Vampire Test...Could you infact be a creature of the night?

I used to get lots of questions pertaining to vampires. Most of them were along the lines of,
"Matt, how can I tell if I am undead?" That was the purpose of creating this test.
If you are a vampire it is always nice to know.

1. Firstly, do you have any reason to suspect that you are a vampire?

A. No, Sorry.
B. I like the taste of blood.
C. Lately I've been sleeping in a coffin during the day.

2. Is there a family history? (ex. Was your mother or father a blood thirsty vampire?)
A. Yes
B. No

3. Do you drink blood?
A. Yes
B. No

4. Do you like it?
A. "No way"
B. "I used to not like it but it's growing on me."
C. "Of course!"

5. How often do you drink blood?
A. Never.
B. Once in a while
C. I am sucking a poor pesent dry as we speak.

6. Do you know why blood is red?
A. No
B. It has something to do with oxygen
C. Who cares. It tastes good.

7. Are you wearing a cape by chance?
A. Yes
B. No

8. Does the sight of a crucifix bother you?
A. Yes
B. No

9. How about the smell of garlic? Does it bother you?
A. "No way!"
B. "A little"
C. "A lot."

10. How about holy water? Does it burn when it touches your skin?
A. Yes
B. No

11. Do you have a pasty complexion?
A. Not really
B. Sometimes
C. Yes

12. How about a reflection?
A. No
B. Yes

13. Are you, by chance, transylvanian? (transylvania is the home of the vampire legend.)
A. Yes
B. No

14. Quick! Check for a pulse!
A. I found it
B. It's faint.
C. I dont have one.

15. How often do you find yourslef to be the subject of media coverage? (I mean for the strange epidemic of children found pale without blood in them)
A. Never
B. Once a month
C. Everyother day

16. Can you control animals and/or humans with a simple thought?
A. No
B. Yes, but only one not the other
C. Yes, I can control both animals and humans.

17. Do you have to be invited into a building to be able to enter it?
A. Yes
B. No

18. Are you a shadowy figure in the night?
A. Yes
B. No

19. Almost there, drink the blood of a virgin in anticipation!
A. "No"
B. "Ummmm....okay"
C. "Right away! Be right back!"

20. And Finally, do you turn to dust when you go outside during daylight hours?
A. No
B. I don't know. (if it's daytime I suggest you check)
C. Yes